I had the pleasure of visiting Mr. Gallagher's art class this week. Thank you to our custodial and maintenance team for removing the cabinets and partitions so our students can explore their creativity while safely distanced.
over 3 years ago, George Rierson
Middle school art class
Hello USA Patriot Families! We are thrilled to announce Brightspace for Parents! We have a new way to help you stay connected & involved with your child’s school experience. Using Brightspace for Parents, you can see what’s happening in your child’s classroom and what they’ve been working on. An email has been sent home with additional instructions on how to access your account in Brightspace. https://usasd.brightspace.com/d2l/login
over 3 years ago, USA Technology Department
Brightspace Logo
On Monday, November 30, USA Schools will resume in-person instruction for students in grades K-8. An email with more information was sent to parents on Wednesday, Nov 25.
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
Parents, Please check your email for a short survey regarding the first trimester and your preference for when students may return to in-person learning.
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
If you would like to order lunches and breakfasts while school is closed please fill out this form. The meal kits are available for anyone 18 and under. If you have any questions please contact Teresa Rose at roset@think-usa.org. Meal kit orders must be placed by Monday at 9:00 am Please click on the link below for access to the form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScbh03LZpEtmmLR8SZSujKHGHmecJE1EpndwcacvbjT1fkPNw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7757
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
School lunch
Patriot Parents and Guardians, Due to reduced staff and out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our students and staff, USA Schools will be closed for in-person instruction beginning Thursday, Nov 19 through the Thanksgiving Holiday. Virtual learning activities will be provided for all students on scheduled school days until we resume in-person instruction.
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
November 17, 2020 Dear Parents/Guardians: We have been informed that a staff member at USA Elementary has tested positive for COVID-19. The District is coordinating closely with the Tuscola County Health Department to assure our community's health and safety. We performed contact tracing with the assistance of the Tuscola County Health Department and determined that there were no students in close contact with the staff member while they were contagious. Fortunately, no students will be required to quarantine as our mitigation efforts include avoiding close contact between staff and students. We continue to take daily precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses and other germs. This includes cleaning frequently touched surfaces multiple times daily and nightly cleaning of all classrooms, restrooms, and any other areas used by students. We also apply a disinfectant “fog” in the areas where any student or staff member with symptoms has been during the day. We understand the level of concern regarding COVID-19. We encourage parents and students to continue following the public health recommendations: • Staying home when you are sick • Practice the 3 Ws: Wash your hands (with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Wear a mask Watch your distance • Covering coughs and sneezes and properly disposing of tissues • Continue to socialize responsibly – limit gatherings outside your household • Continuing to monitor your health for symptoms
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
Parents, Please check for an email from USA schools re: the high school remote learning plan that begins tomorrow, Nov. 18 and will run through December 8, 2020.
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
USA Schools is open Monday morning for students in grades K-12. More information to come tomorrow on changes starting Wednesday for high school students as a result of the MDHHS three week epidemic order.
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
Good afternoon, we expect an announcement this evening at 6:00 pm from MDHHS that may include information about a statewide school closure. At this time, we expect to hold classes tomorrow, 11/16.2020. We will provide an update later this evening following the press conference.
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
Dear Patriot Parents and Guardians, Please be advised that a staff member at USA Elementary school has been identified as probable positive for COVID-19. As of this afternoon, no staff or students have been identified as close contacts and there is no need to quarantine as a result of the probable positive case. An employee at the USA Early Childhood Care Center has tested positive for COVID-19. Contact tracing was completed and the toddler room is closed while staff and children who were in close contact (within approximately 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes during a 24 hour period) are in quarantine. Unless you have been contacted by a representative from the Tuscola County Health Department, there is no reason for you to be alarmed. The Health Department is working very aggressively on this issue. Because we have a very cooperative working relationship with the health department, those who may be at risk will be notified very quickly and be given very specific instructions on what to do. With the current resurgence of positive tests in the area, we are urging everyone to continue to practice social distancing and follow all other preventative measures. Thank you for your time and your much-needed and anticipated cooperation.
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
This is a reminder to all parents that today, Thursday, November 12th, is no longer an early release day for USA. Our release time is 2:45 PM. Have a great day!
almost 4 years ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
Veterans, Thank you for your commitment and sacrifice to our nation that preserves the freedom that is our privilege today.
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
Veterans Day
Parents, Students, Community Members, USA Patriot Volleyball will play the Valley Lutheran Chargers at USA tonight at 6:00 pm in the regional semifinals. The MHSAA has decided to manage all ticket sales digitally for volleyball playoff games through the GoFan website. Please follow the link below to purchase tickets. There is a limit of 4 tickets purchased per transaction. No passes will be accepted. Tickets are limited to 300. Saginaw Valley Lutheran High School vs. Unionville-Sebewaing Area High School Event Link: https://gofan.co/app/events/149363 Helpful Resources How to Buy Tickets Accessing & Sharing Tickets If there are any questions, please contact me by email. Thank you, Kiersten Gascho Athletic Director
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
VB District Champs!
The Board of Education will hold a Regular Board Meeting at 7:00 pm on Monday, November 9, 2020 in the High School Media Center at 2203 Wildner Road, Sebewaing, MI. The meeting will be available virtually via Zoom. Please email langl@think-usa.org to request the Zoom meeting link. Individuals with disabilities may call 989-883-2360 or email the address above for assistance.assistance.
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Lang
The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) is hosting its Virtual Housing & Resource Fair Event: “Information for Housing Solutions”. This housing resource fair is designed to build health, wealth, and community. MSHDA is partnering with financial institutions, housing counseling agencies, local realtors, faith-based organizations, Land Banks, and other organizations. Additionally, learn about the Eviction Diversion Program, credit repair along with other resources. Find out more information How to buy a home Eviction Diversion Program Home repair Credit Repair Funding opportunities Tax foreclosure prevention Rental assistance Federal, state, and local housing and community resources This event is free and open to all! Join us Wednesday, November 17, from 6pm – 7:30pm. Registration is Now Open. You can’t afford to miss this! Register at: https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flnks.gd%2Fl%2FeyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMDAsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsImJ1bGxldGluX2lkIjoiMjAyMDExMDUuMjk5NTQ4MDEiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5jdmVudC5jb20vYy9leHByZXNzL2Y4NzgxYzM5LTNiNGItNDBhYi05NDVjLTE4YjRjNDk1OWUwYz9wcmV2aWV3VG9rZW49NDQxZTA2YWE3YzdlM2Q5ZDkxNDRiYjAzYTdkN2M2ZTAifQ.YS-02Y_AhGP7PISgzQkLtr3cZ7YqCw12yaI3xwDlmfY%2Fs%2F633779520%2Fbr%2F88040045663-l&data=04%7C01%7CLudtkem%40michigan.gov%7Cd9c0259b05b9437a8c5e08d881c48300%7Cd5fb7087377742ad966a892ef47225d1%7C0%7C0%7C637402028296214693%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=40vugn4lyMjbBTQvHTh0gZ2%2BGy1hl1cWqH5JLwFAeUY%3D&reserved=0
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
Housing and Resource Virtual Fair
November 6, 2020 Dear Parents/Guardians: This afternoon we were informed that a student at USA High School is “probable positive” for COVID-19. The District is coordinating closely with the Tuscola County Health Department to assure our community's health and safety. We have performed contact tracing with the assistance of the Tuscola County Health Department and identified all close contacts. Those families have been contacted with instructions to quarantine. Students were not in close contact with the contagious individual during the school day. If you have not been contacted, your child is not a close contact with the individual, and therefore your child is not required to quarantine. We continue to take daily precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses and other germs. This includes cleaning frequently touched surfaces multiple times daily and nightly cleaning of all classrooms, restrooms, and any other areas used by students. The status of this situation is fluid, and we are monitoring it closely. We understand the level of concern regarding COVID-19. We encourage parents and students to continue following the public health recommendations: • Staying home when you are sick • Practice the 3 Ws: Wash your hands (with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Wear a mask Watch your distance • Covering coughs and sneezes and properly disposing of tissues • Continue to socialize responsibly – limit gatherings outside your household • Continuing to monitor your health for symptoms We appreciate your support and cooperation. You can assist us by remaining vigilant but sensible in your approach to dealing with this health concern. Should you have any questions about this situation, please feel free to contact me at 989-883-2360 or by email at riersong@think-usa.org. Educationally yours, George Rierson, Superintendent Unionville-Sebewaing Area School District
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
Order your 2020-2021 USA High School Yearbook Today! A special price of $30 will be available until November 13, so order your copy today! Click on the link below to order please. http://jostensyearbooks.com/?REF=A03920890
almost 4 years ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
November 3, 2020 Dear Parents/Guardians: Today we were informed that a student at USA High School has tested positive for COVID-19. The District is coordinating closely with the Tuscola County Health Department to assure our community's health and safety. We have performed contact tracing with the assistance of the Tuscola County Health Department and identified all close contacts. Those families have been contacted with instructions to quarantine. If you have not been contacted, your child is not a close contact of the individual, and therefore your child is not required to quarantine. We continue to take daily precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses and other germs. This includes cleaning frequently touched surfaces multiple times daily and nightly cleaning of all classrooms, restrooms, and any other areas used by students. The status of this situation is fluid, and we are monitoring it closely. We understand the level of concern regarding COVID-19. We encourage parents and students to continue following the public health recommendations: • Staying home when you are sick • Practice the 3 Ws: Wash your hands (with soap and water for at least 20 seconds) Wear a mask Watch your distance • Covering coughs and sneezes and properly disposing of tissues • Continue to socialize responsibly – limit gatherings outside your household • Continuing to monitor your health for symptoms We appreciate your support and cooperation. You can assist us by remaining vigilant but sensible in your approach to dealing with this health concern. Should you have any questions about this situation, please feel free to contact me at 989-883-2360 or by email at riersong@think-usa.org. Educationally yours, George Rierson, Superintendent Unionville-Sebewaing Area School District
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson
Dear Patriot Parents and Guardians, Please be advised that we have been informed of a USA Athletics Department staff member who tested positive for COVID-19. We also have USA Elementary staff who have been identified as close contacts with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. The close contact occurred within the school environment. As of this afternoon, no students have been identified as close contacts and there is no need for students to quarantine. Unless you have been contacted by a representative from the Tuscola County Health Department, there is no reason for you to be alarmed. The Health Department is working very aggressively on this issue. Because we have a very cooperative working relationship with the health department, those who may be at risk will be notified very quickly and be given very specific instructions on what to do. With the current resurgence of positive tests in the area, we are urging everyone to continue to practice social distancing and follow all other preventative measures. Thank you for your time and your much-needed and anticipated cooperation.
almost 4 years ago, George Rierson