Love seeing our cheer team and cheer camp brining great school spirit! Great job Patriots!!!
over 1 year ago, Chuck Arnold
Escanaba Eskymos ‘Miracle Minute’ Fundraiser Friday, February 24, 2023 USA Patriots v. Reese Rockets Halftime of Boys Varsity Game USA High School Gymnasium
over 1 year ago, USA Technology Department
Miracle Minute Fundraiser
Due to inclement weather USA School District will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 23, 2023. Have a great night!
over 1 year ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
All after school activities are canceled for today. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
Good Morning, Weather predictions have not changed; we will dismiss school today at 11:30 AM. Sack lunches will be available for students that request one. Bussing and parent pick-up will follow our normal half-day schedule. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
over 1 year ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
Good Evening Patriot Families, Based on weather predictions, we may need to dismiss school early tomorrow. We will continue to monitor the radar from multiple sites, and if we cannot get students home safely at our normal dismissal time, we will release students at 11:30 am. If we have to dismiss early, sack lunches will be available for students that request one. A decision on early dismissal will be made by 10 am. We apologize for the potential schedule change, but we wanted to give you an opportunity to prepare. Have a good evening.
over 1 year ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
over 1 year ago, Chuck Arnold
Due to inclement weather, the USA School District will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 17th. Have a great weekend and stay safe!
over 1 year ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
snow day
Cheer clinic and basketball games have been canceled for tonight due to inclement weather. Stay safe!
over 1 year ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
Congrats to our Demo team for placing 2nd at regionals!!! On to state!
over 1 year ago, Chuck Arnold
Congratulations to Annie Bowman for placing first in Greenhand Public speaking at regionals!!! On to state! Way to go Annie!
over 1 year ago, Chuck Arnold
Good evening, Full power has been restored, and all systems are up and running. We are planning for school to be in session tomorrow unless something unforeseen happens overnight. Thank you
over 1 year ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
See you tomorrow
Good Afternoon, All school events are canceled today, Wednesday, February 15th. At this time we anticipate school being in session tomorrow. Have a great evening!
over 1 year ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
Middle School and High School parent-teacher conferences are cancelled this afternoon. We will communicate the rescheduled date by the end of this week.
over 1 year ago, Chuck Arnold
We will bus students home soon. You may pick up your child at the elementary school if you do not want them to ride the bus home. All is well.
over 1 year ago, USA Technology Department
Good Morning, School is closed for the day. We have no power and electrical issues. Please pick up all students at the elementary. February 15, 2023.
over 1 year ago, USA Technology Department
Aftershave game tonight!
over 1 year ago, Chuck Arnold
Audition Announcement Thumb Area Community Theatre Production of “Madagascar”
over 1 year ago, Teresa Dinsmoore
Congratulations to Michael Lutz for being the Upper Thumb High School Bowling Conference Singles Champion!
over 1 year ago, Chuck Arnold
Congratulations to Dalanni Greenfield, Corrin Torma, and Danielle Hunt on receiving first division ratings at MSBOA District 3 festival and qualifying for the state event in March.
over 1 year ago, Chuck Arnold