USA Wellness Clinic
Meet the Nurse

MI backpack program is FREE Covid-19 tests sent home with your student. Please contact me if you would like a box sent home. Use the link above to find out about the program.
My name is Cami and I'm the USA Wellness Nurse. My office is located in the elementary school, but I visit the middle school and high school if needed. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding your child.
If your child has a temperature of 100.4* or higher, I highly recommend keeping them home until they are fever free without fever reducing medication (Motrin, Tylenol) for 24 hours. This helps mitigate the spread of illnesses. Any other symptoms should also be improving before the student returns.
Clinic Hours
Contact info or
989.883.9147 x38213
Helpful Resources
Health & Wellness Info
“Caring is the essence of nursing.”
Jean Watson